by Joy Thompson
In response to newly discovered foreign interference in the most recent election, Facebook is discontinuing the use of “dark posts,” and moving forward with more transparent paid advertisement regulations. What is a dark post? Dark posts are targeted ads created for social media that only a select audience can see. read more
by Joy Thompson
If your business is new — or you’re just now starting out on social media — you might not know how to grow your number of followers. Use the following tips to gain traction on social media and start taking full advantage of this powerful platform. Spread the Word You read more
by Joy Thompson
Utilizing social media is essential if you want your brand to reach the greatest number of people possible. However, you need to be careful that you don’t commit the following social media mistakes. Focusing on Quantity Over Quality You may reason that the more you’re on social media, the more read more
by Joy Thompson
Facebook Targets Younger Users with ‘tbh’ App Acquisition Facebook is extremely popular with the older generation and subsequently, many younger people associate it with a place where their parents hang out. Those who already have a wide circle of friends on the network aren’t expected to become inactive on the read more
by Joy Thompson
I’d like to announce a new music festival that I’ve put together. I’m calling it L1T FEST, and it’s going to have all the best acts. I’m talking Kendrick Lamar, Katy Perry, Beyonce, Beyonce’s unborn child in the form of a hologram that uses AI tech to predict what the read more
by Joy Thompson
Digital marketing is constantly changing. As I type this sentence, Google is tweaking their algorithm, Mark Zuckerburg is developing a new feature that looks suspiciously similar to Snapchat, and Twitter’s stock keeps plummeting. It takes a lot of effort to stay on top of the latest marketing stories. Luckily for read more
by Joy Thompson
Keeping up with the latest social media marketing trends is important to avoid losing out to the competition in your marketplace. The social media marketing landscape is constantly changing, what is new one month could be old news several months down the line. Here are some of the latest news read more
by Joy Thompson
A company called imperson is leading the way for the bot revolution on social media websites. The pioneering platform, imperson.ai, can be used on social media websites such as SMS, Amazon Echo, Twitter, Slack, Kik, Skype, and Facebook Messenger. This ai will deploy, test, and create conversational bots. Agencies and read more
by Zach Hoffman
Since its limited initial launch in August 2015, real-time video sharing functionality- dubbed Facebook Live- has gradually been released to more users. It’s now made its way into the marketing arsenal of several top brands and influencers. Facebook Live enables users to connect with followers instantly, grow a brand’s following, read more
by Lindsey Smith
Google, the world’s leading search engine, has just made a deal with Twitter that could finally be the spark the search giant has been seeking for to help reignite their core business. This marks one of the many new advancements users can expect from Twitter. Integrating tweets into Google will read more