by Danielle Enzinna
Mobile devices are the new convenience standard- surpassing tablets and laptops. They’re easy to carry, full featured, and always connected. As the saying goes, “due to overwhelming demand…” your search results will now be even more refined on a mobile device. Starting April 21st websites that are mobile friendly will read more
by Lindsey Smith
Promoting traffic to your webpage is important. Getting visitors to stay, click links, add you on social media and appreciate your brand is even more important. Read 4 ways below to improve your website and retain viewers. 1. Attract Them In order to have viewers, you have to get viewers. Amping read more
by Lindsey Smith
The world of social media and smart phones have had a huge impact on business marketing in the modern age. Read below to learn three reasons why it is important for your business to have a mobile-friendly site. 1. Over 50 percent of all Americans own a smart phone. In read more