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    December 24, 2012 by Tony Catone

    Name: ZachHoffman

    Title/position: CEO

    Company: Exults

    How long: 7years

    Birth place: SouthFlorida

    Current city of residence: Fort Lauderdale

    Education/Major: UCF/Finance &smp; Economicsdual-major

    First job: Bus boy at Macaroni Grill

    Three words that best describe you: Persistent,loyal and dedicated

    Greatest business achievement: Leading a globalteam,and satisfying the need so fagrowing clientbase.And,providing success for organizations,where the internet is an unproven medium.

    Favorite quote: “It is not the critic who counts!It is not the man who points out where the strong man stumbled or the doer of deeds could have done better!The credit be longs to the man who is actually in the arena…whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…who strives valiantly yet errs and falls short again and again,for what great effort is there without erroror short coming…who knows the great passions the great enthusiasms,who spends himself in a worth cause…..and who in the end at best knows the triumph of high achievement and at worst…if he fails…atleast he fails while daring greatly…so that his place shall never be among those cold and timid souls that known either victory nor defeat.”–T.Rooseve

    Person who’s most inspired you: Wayne Huizenga–for his success andphilanthropy to the Fort Lauderdale community.

    Favorite website: WSJ.com

    Coolestapp: Facebook

    Favorite way to unwind: Marlins base ball game

    Favorite vacation spot: Singer Island

    What’s on your playlist? Depends on my mood:John Williams movie themes (Star Wars,Jurassic Park,etc.) or 50Cent, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne,Eminem, Jimmy Buffet. That’s what’s on my Pandora.

    Favorite performer: Actor Russell Crowe and musician Jay-Z

    Currently reading: Think Fast & Slow,by Daniel Kahneman

    Favorite place for happy hour: Tap 42

    Favorite restaurant: Bistro Mezzaluna

    Favorite team: Miami Marlins

    Favorite hobby: Stocks and studying publicly traded companies

    Best piece of business advice given or received: Stay persistent,and believe what you believe – don’t sway.

    Civic / charitable involvement: Jason Taylor Reading Room,Cystic Fibrosis Blue Wave Member,Broward Center For The Performing Arts

    What people would be surprised to know about you: I believe success is not measured in your day-to-day accomplishments, but in the legacy you plan to leave and the example you set and live day-to-day.


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