email marketing – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:25:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 email marketing – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 Email Marketing 101 Thu, 20 Feb 2020 16:15:38 +0000 Don’t Discount The Power Of Email Marketing Email marketing is one of the most important business strategies to reaching a wide audience. In addition to social media and web marketing, email marketing reaches a huge audience of potential customers. To learn how important email marketing is to your business, read these 8 reasons below: 1. Email Gets Read more

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Email Marketing

Don’t Discount The Power Of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most important business strategies to reaching a wide audience. In addition to social media and web marketing, email marketing reaches a huge audience of potential customers. To learn how important email marketing is to your business, read these 8 reasons below:

1. Email Gets Attention

While social media is important, don’t discount the attention that emails receive. Email marketing allows you to reach each individual’s personal inbox and stay there until they choose an action. The next important step is making sure that the action includes reading what you have to say with engaging material.

2. Massive Audience Numbers

There are around 3 billion email user accounts. That number shadows both Facebook and Twitter users three times over and also topples personal connections by thousands. There is a time and place for every kind of marketing, so keep in mind that the largest audience may be reachable via email campaign.

3. Email Is Personal

While face-to-face interactions and social media may feel more personal with pictures and opinions floating around free in cyberspace, email marketing can actually create a personal connection between your business and the consumer. Drawing a direct line from your website to their inbox creates a personal business relationship that can’t be attained via other mediums.

4. Deals And Information Are Expected

Email marketing is just playing into the scheme that’s already been created. When individual’s sign up for marketing emails and listservs, there is an expectation of sale offers and marketing info. Your audience literally opens up the platform expecting to receive sales pitches and to be entertained, informed and persuaded to buy what you’re selling.

5. It’s Cost-Effective

If you’re trying to stretch a small advertising budget as far as possible, some methods won’t get you very far at all. In contrast, email marketing is incredibly cost-effective, as you can connect directly with your target audience for just a few cents per message.

6. Customization Is a Breeze

The days of personalizing email marketing messages with a first name may not be long gone, but today, email marketers have many more options for customization. Many platforms offer marketing automation, which enables you to segment your audience for better targeting and more leads.

7. It’s Easy to Share

Email marketing messages may originate in the inbox, but they don’t have to stay there. Most platforms make it easy for subscribers to share messages with friends and family, and they’re also easy to reshare on social media. Both routes offer ample opportunities for your business to get its message out there.

8. Email and Mobile Are a Winning Combination

If your business is like most, you’ve probably noticed that an increasing percentage of your audience uses a mobile device to interact with your brand. Email marketing pairs seamlessly with mobile, as it enables businesses to get subscribers’ attention almost instantly. Since conversions from marketing emails opened on mobile devices appear to be on the upswing, this is a trend most brands can’t afford to ignore.

Mobile Email Marketing

3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Email marketing is an extremely important element in small business campaigns. When sending emails from your business, make sure to avoid these common email marketing mistakes.

1. Using Poor Subject Lines

In today’s society, so many emails are sent and received that it is easy to click ignore if the subject line is blank or has a poor catch phrase. Utilize the subject line to target your audience and get them excited about what you have to say in your email.

2. Spamming

Emailing individuals who didn’t sign up for your newsletter or email listserv can feel like an invasion of privacy and can sever your potential relationship with that client permanently. Use an opt-in form on your website or attract them to the sign-up sheet via social media links to avoid spamming individuals.

3. Overusing Email For Irrelevant Messaging

Sending multiple emails a day can get tedious and annoying to customers, no matter how good the deals are or how interesting the material. It is important to limit email blasts and newsletters to an appropriate timeline depending on the number of followers and brand loyalty of your customers. Also, making the emails worth reading is extremely important. If the material is boring or irrelevant, you will find that many people unsubscribe or fail to read the content.

To learn more about email marketing, call Exults today at 866-999-4736.




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