machine learning – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Tue, 28 Nov 2017 15:25:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 machine learning – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 Understanding Machine Learning for Marketing Thu, 21 Sep 2017 12:55:18 +0000 Tools that enable marketers to use machine learning for their campaigns are becoming increasingly more accessible. Instead of approaching artificial intelligence as an advanced form of technology, internet marketers are able to use it as an extra set of hands to accomplish their sales and lead generating objectives. Machine Learning Identifies Higher-Quality Leads As machine Read more

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Tools that enable marketers to use machine learning for their campaigns are becoming increasingly more accessible. Instead of approaching artificial intelligence as an advanced form of technology, internet marketers are able to use it as an extra set of hands to accomplish their sales and lead generating objectives.

Machine Learning Identifies Higher-Quality Leads

As machine learning tools learn about your customers, they can make a suggestion to attract the right audiences that are likely to convert. This might include creating content for a specific social media channel or suggesting changes to your audience to better connect with their needs. Instead of trying to grow your audience at the expense of quality, machine learning tools grow the quality of the people you need to reach.

Machine Learning Helps Your Customer Service Team

A customer service team’s success depends on its ability to solve problems quickly and accurately. Many websites like Kayak and Trulia use machine learning chatbots to solve customer problems without using human resources on social media channels like Facebook.

When humans do get involved in the customer service process, machine learning can help filter down the problem and suggest solutions to meet the customer’s needs. This increases the quality of solutions provided by your team.

Machine Learning Analyzes the Customer Lifecycle

Acquiring new customers is important, but so is retaining the customers you have and increasing their overall lifetime value. By analyzing customer trends and shopping patterns, machine learning tools can identify the best times to engage with customers and bring them back to your company. This increases sales by growing the number of times customers engage with your brand while limiting the overall number of lost customers.

To learn more about machine learning and how it can benefit your particular business, reach out to the team at Exults. We can help you take your Internet marketing efforts to the next level.

The post Understanding Machine Learning for Marketing appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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