Fidget Cube – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:11:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fidget Cube – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 The Exults Team Reviews Fidgeting-Relief Toys Thu, 18 May 2017 21:24:03 +0000 Do you uncontrollably tap your foot while you’re sitting at your desk? Do you subconsciously twirl your pen while staring at your computer screen? Do you pick your cuticles until they bleed during meetings? BRB, I have to grab another band-aid. If the answer is a resounding YES to any/all of those questions, do not Read more

The post The Exults Team Reviews Fidgeting-Relief Toys appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

Do you uncontrollably tap your foot while you’re sitting at your desk? Do you subconsciously twirl your pen while staring at your computer screen? Do you pick your cuticles until they bleed during meetings?

BRB, I have to grab another band-aid.

If the answer is a resounding YES to any/all of those questions, do not be ashamed. You and the entire Exults office have something in common– WE ARE FIDGETERS!

Stand up, twirl your hair, and scream out…

Shake off all the awkward stares you might be getting right now, and explain to your judgmental co-workers why it’s great to be a fidgeter.

This is why it’s great to fidget?

You might not believe it, but there are scientists that have dedicated years of their lives to studying the benefits fidgeting. The New York Times chronicles one of the most recent studies. So you don’t have to leave our site (please stay), here are some of the science-backed revelations regarding fidgeting.

Fidgeting helps you…

  1. Focus on a complex task (digital marketing qualifies)
  2. Lose weight (burn as many as 350 calories per day)
  3. Increase blood flow (ain’t nobody got time for heart problems)
  4. Live longer (#2 and #3 insinuate this, but it’s worth mentioning alone)

Now go cancel your gym membership.

Everyone fidgets to some degree. These stats should convince you to embrace your fidgeting, as opposed to trying to stop it.

(Getting another band-aid. Cuticles bleeding again.)

The Exults team fidgets freely

We like to think that we’re early adopters to the pro-fidgeting movement. Team members like Danielle, Lydia, Romayne, and Mike are all loud-and-proud fidgeters. The 4 of them have implemented tools into their daily work lives that encourage them to fidget freely, while being discreet.

Danielle and Lydia’s Fidget Cube

Recently, Director of Ops Danielle and Engagement Specialist Lydia have received their own Fidget Cubes. This cube is small enough to slip into your pocket, but it’s packed with fidget-friendly features.

Get the full rundown on the Fidget Cube by watching their promo video (if nothing else, watch the first minute– it’s pretty funny)

Prior to getting the Kickstarter-backed Fidget Cube, both Lydia and Danielle had received generic knockoffs from their significant others (those cheapskates ?).

Here are some notes on Fidget Cubes from the team:

  • Danielle thinks it’s made her fidget more often. You can definitely hear her flipping the light switch side on and off when she’s focused.

  • The Fidget Cube has replaced Danielle’s need to chew gum super loud. This is good for all of us.

  • Each Cube is a little different from the other with clicking noises and how smooth the sides are.

They haven’t had the cubes for very long, but the early results suggest that the Fidget Cube is helping them channel their fidgeting. Better fidgeting means better focus means better work for our clients.

See, it’s all for you– the client.

Old school fidgeting tool: Mini basketballs and stress balls

PPC Specialist, Mike uses a mini LA Lakers basketball that he nicknamed Smush Parker and a mini hoop to channel his fidgeting. Not only does scoring baskets on his mini hoop help him effectively fidget and focus on his AdWords campains, it also makes him remember what it was like to win in basketball– something the Lakers haven’t been doing for a longgggg time (#BringBackPhil)

SEO Expert, Romayne uses a good old fashioned stress ball for his fidgeting. When he’s not squeezing it, he’s spiking it against the office wall. Whatever works. We’d complain about the loud thuds the stress ball makes against the wall, but then we remember, it’s a lot quieter than when he used to fidget with a Jamaican air horn.

B-b-b-b-bahhhhh!!! B-b-b-b-bahhhhh!!!

Romayne also has a Fidget Spinner (pictured below). He thought he would enjoy it more, but he doesn’t get as much enjoyment out of it. Not its intended purpose, but Mike and him have started a game where they spin the toy and try to stack as much stuff on it as possible.

Fidget Spinner

We’re trying to get Romayne to get a Think Ink Pen

Maybe you can help us convince Romayne to get a Think Ink Pen because he’s always fidgeting with his pen. Watch the video for a rundown on this pro-fidgeting pen.

We want to hear from you

Do you use a fidgeting product? Do you think Romayne should get the Think Ink Pen? Want to make fun of the LA Lakers? Comment below.

Rather to talk to us over the phone? Talk to one of our specialists by calling 866-999-4736.

The post The Exults Team Reviews Fidgeting-Relief Toys appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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