makreting – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:01:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 makreting – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 New Ad Format on Instagram Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:28:24 +0000 Have you seen Instagram’s new ad format? We recently spotted the carousel ad format in the wild (pictured above), where users are able to swipe left to see multiple images in one post. Additionally, the “Learn More” button allows companies to link users back their website- a much sought after featured on the image sharing Read more

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Have you seen Instagram’s new ad format? We recently spotted the carousel ad format in the wild (pictured above), where users are able to swipe left to see multiple images in one post. Additionally, the “Learn More” button allows companies to link users back their website- a much sought after featured on the image sharing platform.

Brands of all kinds are flocking to Instagram to share visually enticing images of their products or services in a very similar approach to magazine print ads. With over 300 million active users, and a 49% -51% female to male ration, brands are starting to understand the power of the platform.


The post New Ad Format on Instagram appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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