Awards – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Fri, 21 May 2021 17:29:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Awards – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 Exults Recognized Among the 30 Best Digital Marketing Agencies In Florida in 2021 by DesignRush Marketplace Fri, 21 May 2021 17:27:59 +0000 DesignRush is a reputable online marketplace and guide that recognizes the best professional companies and agencies which specialize in areas like digital marketing, website development, cybersecurity and much more.  After thorough performance evaluation, Exults has earned a spot on DesignRush within the most established, reputable companies in Florida.  Exults, formerly Search Engine Operator ( for Read more

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DesignRush is a reputable online marketplace and guide that recognizes the best professional companies and agencies which specialize in areas like digital marketing, website development, cybersecurity and much more. 

After thorough performance evaluation, Exults has earned a spot on DesignRush within the most established, reputable companies in Florida. 

Exults, formerly Search Engine Operator ( for short) emerged in 2005 after Zach Hoffman, our founder and CEO, saw the incredible growth potential in Digital Marketing. In late 2012 rebranded to Exults. The company services a variety of different industries helping companies with their digital marketing efforts including SEO, PPC, website development, social media focusing on exceptional customer service and results.  

DesignRush evaluates thousands of agencies annually to help brands find the most reputable full-service providers in their industry listing them by categories. With a user-friendly layout, it is simple to find and partner with a top-ranked agency in your area. This listing is one of many accomplishments the company has had over the last 17 years. 


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Top Work Places award Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:10:17 +0000 Name: ZachHoffman Title/position: CEO Company: Exults How long: 7years Birth place: SouthFlorida Current city of residence: Fort Lauderdale Education/Major: UCF/Finance &smp; Economicsdual-major First job: Bus boy at Macaroni Grill Three words that best describe you: Persistent,loyal and dedicated Greatest business achievement: Leading a globalteam,and satisfying the need so fagrowing clientbase.And,providing success for organizations,where the internet Read more

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Name: ZachHoffman

Title/position: CEO

Company: Exults

How long: 7years

Birth place: SouthFlorida

Current city of residence: Fort Lauderdale

Education/Major: UCF/Finance &smp; Economicsdual-major

First job: Bus boy at Macaroni Grill

Three words that best describe you: Persistent,loyal and dedicated

Greatest business achievement: Leading a globalteam,and satisfying the need so fagrowing clientbase.And,providing success for organizations,where the internet is an unproven medium.

Favorite quote: “It is not the critic who counts!It is not the man who points out where the strong man stumbled or the doer of deeds could have done better!The credit be longs to the man who is actually in the arena…whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…who strives valiantly yet errs and falls short again and again,for what great effort is there without erroror short coming…who knows the great passions the great enthusiasms,who spends himself in a worth cause…..and who in the end at best knows the triumph of high achievement and at worst…if he fails…atleast he fails while daring greatly…so that his place shall never be among those cold and timid souls that known either victory nor defeat.”–T.Rooseve

Person who’s most inspired you: Wayne Huizenga–for his success andphilanthropy to the Fort Lauderdale community.

Favorite website:

Coolestapp: Facebook

Favorite way to unwind: Marlins base ball game

Favorite vacation spot: Singer Island

What’s on your playlist? Depends on my mood:John Williams movie themes (Star Wars,Jurassic Park,etc.) or 50Cent, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne,Eminem, Jimmy Buffet. That’s what’s on my Pandora.

Favorite performer: Actor Russell Crowe and musician Jay-Z

Currently reading: Think Fast & Slow,by Daniel Kahneman

Favorite place for happy hour: Tap 42

Favorite restaurant: Bistro Mezzaluna

Favorite team: Miami Marlins

Favorite hobby: Stocks and studying publicly traded companies

Best piece of business advice given or received: Stay persistent,and believe what you believe – don’t sway.

Civic / charitable involvement: Jason Taylor Reading Room,Cystic Fibrosis Blue Wave Member,Broward Center For The Performing Arts

What people would be surprised to know about you: I believe success is not measured in your day-to-day accomplishments, but in the legacy you plan to leave and the example you set and live day-to-day.

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Rising Star Award Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:05:01 +0000 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA (UCF) AWARDS EXULTS FOUNDER AND CEO ZACH HOFFMAN WITH PRESTIGIOUS 2012 RISING STAR AWARD FROM THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (November 12, 2012) – Zach Hoffman, Founder and CEO of Exults Internet Marketing, was awarded the prestigious College of Business Rising Star Award from the University of Central Florida Read more

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Rising Star Award Revising - Zach HoffmanFORT LAUDERDALE, FL (November 12, 2012) – Zach Hoffman, Founder and CEO of Exults Internet Marketing, was awarded the prestigious College of Business Rising Star Award from the University of Central Florida (UCF) Alumni Association. The College of Business Rising Star Award is presented annually to an alumnus/alumna who has displayed promise, excellence and distinction early on in their respective field, is active in their community and is considered a rising star in their profession. Hoffman accepted his award during a presentation ceremony along with Mark Plaumann who received the Professional Achievement Award at the University’s Annual Black and Gold Gala, which was held at the UCF arena on November 1, 2012.

Hoffman, one of South Florida’s fastest rising young entrepreneurs, launched Exults in 2005 (then known as and has grown the company to become one of the leading internet marketing companies in the South Florida market. He continues to keep up with market demand by perfecting and expanding innovative products and services. In addition to his strong business acumen and corporate success, Hoffman strives to give back to the community both through his personal and business philanthropic endeavors. Hoffman and Exults support numerous organizations including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, The Broward Centers Arts Education Program, Miami Dolphins Foundation, Boys and Girls Clubs of Miami Dade, 2-1-1 Broward, the Jason Taylor Foundation and is a Partner in Education in Broward County Public Schools with The Achievables, to name a few.

“Zach Hoffman is a dynamic young entrepreneur with a knack for evolving his business toward emerging growth opportunities.  His success should inspire other students from UCF to consider entrepreneurship as a potential path towards career success and personal fulfillment,” said Cameron Ford, Ph.D., Director – Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Central Florida.

Jim Gilkeson, Ph.D., CFA, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, University of Central Florida, added, “Zach reminds me of the old adage, ‘success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.’ He had a great idea, but it’s much more important that he thinks about his company and works to make his company better every waking hour of every day. Moreover, he’s incredibly passionate about what he’s doing and driven to succeed.”

Hoffman has always embodied the true entrepreneurial spirit and knack for internet marketing dating back to his college days at UCF when he began a business of creating affiliate marketing websites and managed his father’s dental practice internet marketing. He quickly transformed this start-up platform into a business focusing on marketing dental websites for a myriad of clients. After graduation, he quickly expanded his products and service offerings and built Exults into the successful business that it is today. Hoffman has been an active member of the UCF College of Business Administration Chapter of the UCF Alumni Association since he graduated from the University in 2005. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Central Florida.

Hoffman has been published as the guru in the internet marketing space in such notable consumer publications as South Florida’s Sun-Sentinel, Lifestyles Publications and Think Magazine, trade publications including Bulldog Reporter and MediaBistro’s PRnewser and has been a frequent guest on Wall Street Journal Radio.

As a full-service internet marketing company, Exults is RESULTS DRIVEN for its clients and offers a complete range of internet marketing services to reach its clients’ goals. Exults premier services include Website Design, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Management, Social Media Marketing, Video Optimization and Brand Identity/ Reputation Management. Exults Founder and CEO Zach Hoffman oversees and manages the day to day operations of the growing Ft. Lauderdale based internet marketing agency. For more information about Exults, please call 866-999-4736 or visit

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