computer coding – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:21:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 computer coding – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 Is Coding a Foreign Language? Sat, 04 Feb 2017 01:30:39 +0000 Around this time last year, the Florida Senate proposed a bill that would make computer coding count as a foreign language in schools. This bill made a lot of sense. You don’t need us to tell you that the world is becoming more reliant on tech. Unfortunately, there was enough people who didn’t think this Read more

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computer coding

Around this time last year, the Florida Senate proposed a bill that would make computer coding count as a foreign language in schools. This bill made a lot of sense. You don’t need us to tell you that the world is becoming more reliant on tech.

Unfortunately, there was enough people who didn’t think this bill was a good idea. Here’s what one prominent opponent had to say about the proposed bill…

“If you’re going to consider computer science as a language — a foreign language, not just a language — why not consider music? You can write it, you can read it, it’s been around for millenia, right? They’re different forms of communication and expression, but they’re not interchangeable.” – Alberto Carvalho, Miami-Dade Superintendent (source: Miami Herald)

We can respectfully disagree with Alberto (and we do). The tuba or drum don’t help you communicate with other cultures. Obviously, a foreign language does. And if you don’t think coding helps people communicate with other cultures, than you clearly haven’t heard of Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Hangouts, and Twitter.

We’re not saying that a kid SHOULD learn coding, but it should definitely be an option and it should DEFINITELY count towards a foreign language. Take 1 lesson on coding, and tell me that it doesn’t require the same level of focus, memorization, and a similar skill set for learning French. Think about all of the technology that is evolving around us. By adding computer coding to the repertoire of foreign languages, this gives each child the chance to participate in the evolving, digital world.

If you disagree with our sentiment, please comment with your thoughts in the box below. We’d love to have a healthy debate. 

Moving beyond the topic of whether or not coding should be a called a foreign language…

The future involves coding

We want the best for our kids. Learning a foreign language helps them better prepare for the future. Part of the future is getting a good job in this new tech-centric economy (and maybe build some cool websites). Computer coding is in high demand now, and that demand continues to dramatically rise.

If your kid can learn both Spanish and coding– more power to them. However, if it’s too difficult to learn both, coding should be considered as their foreign language. That’s all we’re saying.

Now for a little fun…

What language did the Exults employees take in high school?

Shocker! Most of our team took Spanish classes growing up, but a few didn’t. Take a look at our team graphic that unveils which language each of our marketing specialists took in high school. Instead of writing Spanish over and over again, we decided to have a little fun and include some key phrases from the language that they learned. Feel free to chuckle 🙂

exults team foreign language

If you want to speak in a foreign language (or English) with one of our specialists, feel free to call us at (866) 999-4736 or head to our contact page


The post Is Coding a Foreign Language? appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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