amazon – Exults Digital Marketing Agency Fri, 07 Jul 2023 18:21:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 amazon – Exults Digital Marketing Agency 32 32 Top 5 PPC Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 Sun, 30 Dec 2018 16:42:51 +0000 Curious about the newest PPC trends? Google reported $33.74 billion in the third quarter of 2018 in ad revenue. Facebook reported $13.54 billion in that same quarter for ad revenue. This is significant for two reasons. First, other PPC platforms, such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Bing are galaxies away from contending with these digital ad Read more

The post Top 5 PPC Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.


Curious about the newest PPC trends?

Google reported $33.74 billion in the third quarter of 2018 in ad revenue. Facebook reported $13.54 billion in that same quarter for ad revenue. This is significant for two reasons.

First, other PPC platforms, such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Bing are galaxies away from contending with these digital ad giants. Second, the sheer number of marketers you must contend with for PPC space is colossal. To get ahead of the competition, you must master the process. And use the most up-to-date information.

And that’s why we’re here today. In the sections below, we outline the biggest PPC trends for 2019, so you can be on the top of your game. Read on when you’re ready to discover the newest advances and blow away your competition.

PPC Trends: #1 Decline of Keyword Importance

The days of keyword stuffing are long gone. The keywords themselves also seem to be losing their value for PPC campaigns. What do we mean? Let’s take a look.

If you’re a marketer, you’ve already seen the expansion added to Google’s Remarketing Lists. We’re talking Customer Match lists, Search Ads, and Similar Audiences for Search. Well, now marketers must power to target their audience by both demographic AND life events.

That reduces the significance of keywords.

Google promises to soon offer the ability to target users based on their other behaviors:

  • Frequency visiting real-world stores or restaurants
  • Frequency researching and comparing products or services

With this, marketers can target prospects based solely on behavior. It may completely revolutionize your lead generation strategy.

#2 Voice Search

Finally, voice-supported technology reigns. Both pc and mobile devices offer a range of compatible voice recognition software. Think Siri and Alexa. Other stripped-down devices, such as Amazon’s Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod, offer voice-only web searches.

Voice support is becoming ubiquitous.

By 2020, over 50% of all web searches will be voice searches. That’ll make a difference to your PPC strategy. People use different language and phrasing when performing voice searches.

In other words, you’ll need to figure out how to add natural language into your website copy. After you update your web copy, consider adjusting your AdWords account:

  • Match your keywords to voice searches.
  • Use longtail, 5- or 6-word phrases
  • Use phrases that incorporate “near me”

Try to focus on the prospects intent when searching. For instance, traditionally, users may have performed a search using the query, “Trendy Bars San Francisco.” With a voice search, the same user may say, “I need a trendy bar that serves marguerites near me.”

#3 Visual Search

Now, this is futuristic technology coming to life. Services like Pinterest Lens and Google Lens can now search the web for items you snap pictures of. You just take your phone, snap a picture of whatever you’re looking at, and Lens performs a search.

This will affect search dynamics, and therefore PPC. Unfortunately, nobody’s sure quite how. Keep your eyes peeled for this new technology and how it’s impacting marketing.

#4 Video

Did you know that YouTube has become the second most used search engine? Yeah, so if you’re thinking of branching out, the video ad market is the place to be in 2019. Things like Google’s recent vertical video ads are taking advantage of mobile content over performance.

We recommend you investigate this option before 2019, so you can hit the ground running in the new year.

#5 Amazon Rising

Amazon is building its innovative advert platform to compete with Google and Facebook. The online store is offering marketers a greater scope of options to generate sales. Experts argue that Amazon is going to dominate the market, just as they dominate seemingly every other market.

Once again, keep your eyes peeled. This time, for Amazon’s advert platform in 2019.

What’s Next?

Well, now that you know the newest PPC trends, please spend some time evaluating how they’ll affect your marketing strategy. If you can get in on the ground floor, you’ll see a surge of both conversion rates and ROI.

Did you find this material valuable? We’d love to help you get your PPC campaign started. Contact us today for more information!

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How Holiday Shopping Has Become More Digital with eCommerce and Mobile Shopping Wed, 05 Dec 2018 16:11:06 +0000 As huge year over year sales from Cyber Monday show, the online market continues to dominate the holiday shopping season. While it hasn’t quite clearly taken over the brick-and-mortar shopping experience, that future doesn’t seem too far off. Online sales during the holiday season have seen an average rise of about ten percent annually over Read more

The post How Holiday Shopping Has Become More Digital with eCommerce and Mobile Shopping appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.


Holiday Shopping Has Become More Digital with E-Commerce and Mobile Shopping

As huge year over year sales from Cyber Monday show, the online market continues to dominate the holiday shopping season.

While it hasn’t quite clearly taken over the brick-and-mortar shopping experience, that future doesn’t seem too far off. Online sales during the holiday season have seen an average rise of about ten percent annually over the last decade.

What’s causing this speedy trend towards the digitization of the holiday shopping season? Read on and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know.

Mobile Is Booming

woman using mobile phone during holiday shopping

According to Forrester’s extensive study published earlier this year, nearly a third of all American retail sales this year will be done via mobile devices. Mobile devices are even replacing laptop and desktop browsers as the main source of online shopping for many Americans.

Brands are jumping to cater more towards mobile users, dropping apps and E-Commerce friendly sites intended to cash in on this new trend.

The investment seems to be working too. In the holiday season thus far, mobile users are showing a greater increase in conversion rate than desktop users.

The Internet Has The Answers

Another big reason more Americans are turning to the web for holiday shopping? Research and answers.

A whopping 85% of surveyed people turn to Google for answers when it comes to researching products they’re considering buying for family or friends. 72% of individuals also turn to Amazon’s customer reviews.

Amazon and other big web retailers are taking full advantage of this opportunity, which incentivizes potential buyers to click the “add to cart” button every step of the way.

Black Friday is Now Every Day

The internet has also made more shrewd buyers out of most Americans. They are able to compare prices and find bargains easier than before. Holiday shopping is also easier and quicker online, dispelling the need for one day off from work to rush to the stores.

Most major retailers have responded to this change, issuing a number of deals across the holiday season as opposed to deploying everything on a single day.

Many major retail sales available on Black Friday were also available online and were available beyond the limited 24-hour window. More and more shoppers make plans to purchase their gifts online instead of having to deal with the rush of in-store bargain shopping.

The Future Of Holiday Shopping Is Mobile

The increased ease and access to mobile phones is changing the way most Americans go about their holiday shopping. It’s impossible to predict the changes this shift could cause in the future.

But for now, businesses need to be looking at the mobile world if they want to stay in the game during the season of giving.

How Your Business Can Capitalize on the Digital Holiday Shopping Trend

Young couple on Christmas market using mobile phone to find best retail holiday shopping

If you’re counting on the holiday season to give your business’ sales that extra push they need, you’re not alone. There are lots of companies that rely on the holiday season to provide a huge chunk of their revenue.

Holiday marketing is a great way to capitalize on the gift-giving season and track down those extra sales. If you change up your digital marketing strategy for the holiday season, you’ll have plenty of Christmas cheer by the end of the month!

Here are the best ways you can utilize digital tools to jump on the holiday shopping craze:

Use Social Media

The holidays are all about coming together as a community. Get in the holiday spirit by creating a social media strategy that’s equally festive.

It’s a good idea to write and schedule all of your social media posts before the season hits. That way, you won’t have to worry about it once you’re in the thick of things.

If you haven’t gotten that far yet, try creating a fun holiday message to share with your followers. Use the holiday hashtag for more visibility and make sure you include a link back to your website.

Spruce Up Your SEO

When was the last time you reviewed your website’s SEO strategy? If it’s been awhile, now is the perfect time to make sure it’s working for you like it’s supposed to.

If you have a holiday promotion happening, market it using your meta description. People will be able to discover your promotion from Google search results.

You should also look at which keywords you want to rank for. There may be seasonal keywords that you can incorporate into your content that will help more customers discover you.

Run a Holiday Sale

Who doesn’t love a good holiday sale? Everyone is looking for a good deal this time of year — make sure your business is offering one of them.

Holiday sales are a great way to get people onto your website. Make sure you connect it to the holiday in a way that makes sense for your brand. A cosmetics company, for example, might want to offer “30% Off Gifts For Her” to inspire people to look for gifts for the special woman in their lives.

Plus, once they’re drawn to your site, people spend more when items are on sale.

Plan Ahead

No matter which campaign ideas you choose, make sure you’re planning ahead for the holidays. The last thing you want to do is try to throw something together last minute.

Whether it’s putting together a content calendar ahead of time or creating a holiday-themed landing page, you’ll want to have as much as possible ready to go. The holiday sales season is stressful enough without trying to change your marketing strategy in the middle of it!

Start Your Holiday Marketing Now

The holidays are practically here, so get started on your holiday marketing today! Make sure you take advantage of the extra spending that takes place around the holidays.

If you’re not sure how to get started, don’t worry. Work with our engagement team to create a successful campaign that’s unique, fun, and perfect for the holidays.

Need help in breaking into the E-commerce world? Reach out to us anytime for a free quote.

Cheers and happy holidays!


The post How Holiday Shopping Has Become More Digital with eCommerce and Mobile Shopping appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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Reason #987 Why You Should Be Advertising Online Mon, 01 May 2017 19:57:07 +0000 Recently, both Google and Amazon released their quarterly earnings to the public. Google reported a revenue of 24.75 billion while Amazon touted revenue of 35.71 billion, their 8th profitable quarter in a row. Not too shabby… not too shabby, indeed. To illustrate just how much money that really is: Google could throw a Fyre Music Festival every Read more

The post Reason #987 Why You Should Be Advertising Online appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

Recently, both Google and Amazon released their quarterly earnings to the public. Google reported a revenue of 24.75 billion while Amazon touted revenue of 35.71 billion, their 8th profitable quarter in a row.

Not too shabby… not too shabby, indeed.

To illustrate just how much money that really is:

  • Google could throw a Fyre Music Festival every weekend for 9 years (Kraft Singles sandwiches included)
  • Amazon could throw a Fyre Music Festival every weekend for 13 years, and probably pay off Ja Rule so that he never puts together another music festival ever again

If that didn’t help illustrate the immense revenue both companies made this past quarter, take a look at this very technical chart
Digital Advertising is Going through the Roof

(chart source: not Wall Street Journal)

Current mood at Google and Amazon…

How is Google STILL on the rise?

AdWords and YouTube, plain and simple. These two platforms have been driving the bulk of Google’s revenue for a while now, and there’s no sign of slowing down. That, plus throw in the revenue from products like Chromecast, self-driving cars, Pixel, Android, and award-winning robotic bloggers (not a thing yet, but hopeful).

How is Amazon doing this too?

More and more people are buying items online. Just last week, I bought toilet paper on Amazon. Toilet paper! I live less than a mile from a Publix, and yet I chose to order my toilet paper from Amazon because it was both cheaper and more convenient with 2-day free shipping (assuming I have the foresight to order before I run of TP and/or avoid the temptation of Moe’s in the next 2 days).

The point is, I’m buying toilet paper on Amazon, and you (and a million others) are too– most likely using Amazon Prime for shipping.

Add Amazon’s increasingly popular cloud-computing services, and you can understand why Amazon is on a roll.

What about Facebook?

As of right now, Facebook hasn’t released their quarterly earnings, but reliable experts are predicting their earnings to be somewhere between A LOT and Scrooge McDuck from DuckTales. 

Facebook Ads along with AdWords continue to dominate the digital ad landscape. It’s tough to imagine another ad platform slowing them down in the near future.

Why are we sharing all this with you?

There’s a reason why Google, Amazon, and Facebook are doing so well. The world continues to become more digital, and these three companies are at the forefront of the movement.

Reach into your pocket right now, and that bedazzled Hello Kitty smartphone case you’re touching is protecting the vessel that’s driving a ton of purchases that used to happen at a physical brick-and-mortar.

Not only is everything online now, we carry the whole internet with us wherever we go. It’s pretty wild when you stop to think about it.

Here’s what we know

You know that your customers are hanging out on Facebook. You know that they’re researching your product on Google. You know that they’re buying (or considering buying) your product on Amazon.

How do you make sure you don’t lose the sale?

  • Highly targeted Facebook Ads + retargeting
  • Strategic search terms + retargeting on AdWords
  • Product placement on Amazon

It’s really that simple.

Is your customer typically a 25-year-old male who lives in Fort Lauderdale and buys fishing equipment? You can target that exact person through Facebook for a relatively low CPC. 

Is your customer searching “conventional fishing reels”? You can make sure your website shows up at the top of the search results through AdWords. 

Do you have your own e-commerce store, but know that you’re losing business to competitors that sell on Amazon? If you can’t beat them, join them. Consumers trust Amazon. 

You’re in luck!

Exults has experts for AdWords, Facebook Ads, and e-commerce that would love to help your business succeed. All you have to do is call 866-999-4736, and tell them this blog post sent ya.


The post Reason #987 Why You Should Be Advertising Online appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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