web design trends 2019 – Exults Digital Marketing Agency https://www.exults.com Mon, 29 May 2023 11:23:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.exults.com/wp-content/uploads/exults-favicon-new-84x84.png web design trends 2019 – Exults Digital Marketing Agency https://www.exults.com 32 32 Facing Forward: 5 Web Design Trends to Use in 2023 https://www.exults.com/blog/facing-forward-5-web-design-trends-to-use/ https://www.exults.com/blog/facing-forward-5-web-design-trends-to-use/#respond Sat, 10 Nov 2018 17:28:31 +0000 https://www.exults.com/?p=10438 4.2 billion people are active internet users. With that many potential eyes on your work, you have to make sure your web designs are modern and relevant. As we step into the new year, we must also step up our design game and learning design trends is a great way to do just that. Here Read more

The post Facing Forward: 5 Web Design Trends to Use in 2023 appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.


4.2 billion people are active internet users. With that many potential eyes on your work, you have to make sure your web designs are modern and relevant. As we step into the new year, we must also step up our design game and learning design trends is a great way to do just that.

Here are 5 design trends you should know about as we head into 2019.

Asymmetrical Layouts

2019 website trends aren’t just about thinking outside the box, they’re actively breaking it.

Unless you’ve been living under a poorly designed rock, you’ll know about the grid system. A layout guide that’s been used for decades to help us maintain consistency, balance, and alignment in our designs.

Well, 2019 is breaking the grid. Asymmetrical layouts are easy to mess up. A great trend doesn’t make up for bad UX. But when applied with skill, asymmetrical layouts are an excellent way to add interest and depth to your designs.

Just remember to be consistent with your asymmetry. Establish your hierarchy and use repetition to ensure your users can navigate the page.

Animated Visuals

No, we’re not talking video, though that’s also a must-have when designing for the new generation of internet users. When we talk animated visuals, we’re discussing gifs and cinemagraphs.

If you’ve stepped foot onto any social media platform in the last decade, you’ll already know what a gif is. But what about cinemagraphs?

Cinemagraphs are static images that contain a single animated element. For example, a picture might show a coffee cup sitting on a table with the steam rising from the cup dynamically animated.

Gifs and cinemagraphs are both great ways to catch your audience’s attention without overwhelming them. The internet is a visually loud place — sometimes a well-placed whisper will get more attention than a bullhorn.

3D Photos

Facebook teased this new feature earlier this year and it quickly captured the interest of us web designers.

Through clever use of modern phone cameras and a cutting-edge algorithm, we’re now able to build a 3D map of the everyday images we take.

3D photos allow for innate, immersive interaction with images. When a user scrolls past them or tilts their phone, the photos respond like the image is a window into a diorama. It’s a great way to grab a user’s attention and keep them on your page.


Yep, it’s back. As the online world gets busier, the saying “less is more” is becoming more and more relevant.

Minimalistic websites make a massive impact on user behavior. Rather than being overwhelmed with stimuli, the audience is given clear, concise direction. 2019 will be the year we perfect this trend, shaving our content down to reduce load times and improve conversions.

Bring on the whitespace.

Mobile First

Responsive designs have been a mainstay for a while now, but earlier this year Google took our mass mobile migration a step further. Their indexing algorithm will now consider the mobile content of your site, rather than the desktop.

Modern web design mustn’t just incorporate mobile usability, it should actively prioritize it.

Be Savvy About Web Design Trends

The web design industry moves fast so you should too. Staying on top of current design trends is essential for industry success.

Employing asymmetrical layouts, animated visuals, cutting-edge tech, and tried and tested techniques will help you keep your designs relevant, modern, and effective. And what better way to ring in the new year?

Want to learn from the year behind us? Here are the top 4 standout SEO trends of 2018.



The post Facing Forward: 5 Web Design Trends to Use in 2023 appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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