lead generation – Exults Digital Marketing Agency https://www.exults.com Wed, 18 Dec 2024 18:43:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.exults.com/wp-content/uploads/exults-favicon-new-84x84.png lead generation – Exults Digital Marketing Agency https://www.exults.com 32 32 Why Are Reviews Important? The Benefits of Customer Feedback https://www.exults.com/blog/why-are-reviews-important/ https://www.exults.com/blog/why-are-reviews-important/#respond Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:29:35 +0000 https://www.exults.com/?p=10487 Having a legitimate company with trustworthy products or services is no longer enough to earn a customer’s trust and business. In order to gain lead generation, it is imperative to implement customer reviews on your website for multiple reasons. If you are hungry for more leads, these five reasons will show you exactly how user-generated content can gain you Read more

The post Why Are Reviews Important? The Benefits of Customer Feedback appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

person looking at customer reviewsHaving a legitimate company with trustworthy products or services is no longer enough to earn a customer’s trust and business.

In order to gain lead generation, it is imperative to implement customer reviews on your website for multiple reasons.

If you are hungry for more leads, these five reasons will show you exactly how user-generated content can gain you those leads you’ve been craving.

Increases Brand Trust

It is difficult for consumers to make purchases solely on companies’ promises. Customers have ample places to conduct their business, so why should they give you their money over your competitor down the street?

Customers want to be something other than your company’s guinea pig. They want to purchase a product or a service that they know will get them their money’s worth.

So, how do you ensure that customers trust you? You don’t. Previous customers do.

They do this through their online reviews and testimonials. Reviews show that your products or services work and that your promises are real.

Boosts Online Search Rankings

Search engines are all about their algorithms and coding. However, they know how to promote companies with a humane element, aka reviews.

These reviews show search engines that your company is both trustworthy and legitimate. Your company will receive a higher ranking by proving this to search engines.

Differentiate Your Business From Others

Look at this aspect from an outsider’s point of view. If you were going to hire a personal accountant and narrow your search down to two candidates — one has reviews, and one does not. Who are you most likely going to choose?

The one who has reviews because this conveys a higher sense of professionalism and trust. You want to set yourself apart from your competitors in any way, shape, or form, and online reviews are a great way to do so.

Promotes Relevant Content

Google loves content, there is no surprise there. But having a review or testimonial page on your website makes for great content. This relates to getting a higher search ranking on Google.

The more reviews you have, the more content pages you have. And the more content pages you have, the better you rank on Google, which is just waiting to send your company more leads.

Displays A Human Element

Despite all the technical benefits, having online reviews for your company will show that you care about your customers. Authentic reviews allow you to interact with your customers and thank them for their patronage or apologize for their negative experiences.

You can even use these reviews to steer customers back toward your company if their initial experience wasn’t positive by apologizing and offering to fix their problem.

Online Reviews Are Key For Lead Generation

All in all, having online reviews on your website is vital to your company. Not only will it increase lead generation, but it will also allow you to hear your customer’s feedback.

This can help you to yield a better customer experience, which can drive even more customers to your door. Online reviews are a win-win when it comes to your business.

Are you looking for more advice from digital marketing experts? Take a look at our top tips to learn more.


Why are customer reviews important for marketing?

Positive reviews can enhance a company’s social credibility and create favorable impressions on potential customers. Positive reviews can instill trust in your business for potential customers, who may feel more at ease making a purchase knowing that others have had positive experiences.

What are the benefits of responding to customer reviews?

When considering buying something, customers are interested in both customer reviews and the perspective of the business. Responding to reviews can help companies handle negative feedback, establish consumer confidence, improve ratings, and boost sales.

How do positive reviews impact a business?

Positive reviews contribute to establishing trust in a business and its merchandise, potentially leading to a higher chance of customer transactions. Research has indicated that customer feedback significantly influences sales conversion rates.

The post Why Are Reviews Important? The Benefits of Customer Feedback appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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3 Lead Generation Strategies You Haven’t Tried Yet https://www.exults.com/blog/3-lead-generation-strategies-you-havent-tried-yet/ https://www.exults.com/blog/3-lead-generation-strategies-you-havent-tried-yet/#respond Thu, 14 Sep 2017 12:52:18 +0000 https://www.exults.com/?p=9907 If you haven’t yet struck gold with the ideal lead generation strategy for your brand, you’re not alone. Brands in virtually every industry struggle to connect with the right audiences and introduce potential clients to their sales funnels. Not sure what to try next? Check out these three next-level lead generation strategies. Try Guest Blogging Read more

The post 3 Lead Generation Strategies You Haven’t Tried Yet appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

If you haven’t yet struck gold with the ideal lead generation strategy for your brand, you’re not alone. Brands in virtually every industry struggle to connect with the right audiences and introduce potential clients to their sales funnels. Not sure what to try next? Check out these three next-level lead generation strategies.

Try Guest Blogging

Your brand’s blog may drive solid traffic and attract plenty of interested customers, but if you aren’t continually building your readership, you need a new way to reach out to a wider audience. Guest blogging, or producing branded content for other websites, can be a great way to boost your brand awareness, connect with new customers, and generate leads you would never have been able to produce otherwise.

Offer Expert-Level Content

Sure, your company has a blog, you rock at social media, and you just launched an email newsletter. But what about expert-level content? From white papers to e-books to video series, this kind of content can showcase your expertise while providing your audience with unique value. Be sure to collect contact information before inviting users to download or access your content, and you could build up a pool of leads in no time.

Deploy a Great Landing Page

If your site traffic exceeds all of your goals but you still aren’t making sales, your site design could be to blame. A great landing page can go a long way toward generating leads since it captures everything a potential customer needs to know in one concise page. Since these pages are designed to drive actions and prompt specific types of engagement, there’s a science to creating high-performing landing pages.

Ready to take your brand’s lead generation to the next level? Find out how Exults retargeting strategy can generate the leads you want and drive the sales you need.

The post 3 Lead Generation Strategies You Haven’t Tried Yet appeared first on Exults Digital Marketing Agency.

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